Error when filtering outlook messages in the 'Get outlook mail messages activity' C#

Hi all,
I am having issues filtering emails with the ’ Get outlook messages activity’. I am filtering the emails by subject and looking for emails where the subject starts with the string “New Policy”. I got this expression from the uippath documentation but it doesn’t seem to be working for me, this could be because I am using C# instead of VB. Here is the expression i tried and the error I got
Expression: “@SQL=”“urn:schemas:httpmail:subject”" like ‘%New Policy%’"

Other expressions that match the whole string without using the ‘like’ keyword work fine for example the expression “[Subject] = ‘Action Required on your OneAmerica Application - DO NOT REPLY’” throws no errors any help would be greatly appreciated.


for c# try this

"@SQL=\"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject\" like '%New Policy%'"


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Thank you so much, that worked!

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