Error: Merge Data Table from Automation Explorer Course

I am following the Automation Exlporer (Excel Automation with Modern Design Studio/ Build automations using workbook and data tables) and faced this error, tried adding new DataTable to both Inputs but still faced the error.

Even the file from the tutorial, I am unable to proceed.

Please assist, thank you.


did you add dt_input in output property of read range


Hi Anil,

Yes, I have, even using the downloaded file from UiPath, the workflow does not work.


is there some data in excel?

also keep a break point on merge and then open locals panel and check if dt_input is having data or not


Hi @angelico_mdc ,
Try the below steps:

  1. Use assign activity post reading the excel file and assign dt_Report = dt_Input.clone()
  2. Use merge data table activity to merge the tables.

Please let us know if it works.



The error is because of dt_Report is being null. Use a If activity before Merge Data Table activity to check if the dt_Report is null or not

If It’s null then Clone the dt_Input using assign activity like this.

dt_Report = dt_Input.clone()

Sample code:

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