Error : Job stopped with an unexpected exit code 0xE0434352

Hey Everyone unable to run the Bot due to this following error , need urgent Help for this

@Anil_G @ashokkarale @Yoichi

Thanks in Advances

often we do see this when:

  • reading large excel file
  • reading large text file

let us know where it is failing e.g. when debugging the flow

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Hi @jawagarraja123

Please check this



is it not starting only or is it starting and failing?

cna you expand the details?


Hey @Anil_G Its throwing error after compiling the project means its throwing error on start .

Hey @lrtetala working on Your logic also


Please show details that might help


hey @Anil_G So, when I’m trying to read those ten Excel files, two of them being really large data, and select them to run the bot, then this error pops up.


Then as mentioned already it might be because of those huge excels only try to use workbook activities


looks like mentioned:

Let us know

  • your project compatibility: Legacy, Windows
  • UiPath.Excel.Activities Package version

Newer Package version were announced, that a better handling of large files is supported

in the past / Legacy the following did help often:

Hey everyone, I just solved the error by myself. I created 10 new Excel files for it and now it’s working.

Cheers: :upside_down_face:

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