Error Handling in OCR?

How can I handle cases where OCR fails to accurately recognize certain characters or words in Scanned PDF?

Hi @sruthi_I

Try changing the scale of OCR from 0-5. Default there will be nothing. While changing the scale try with Image DPI 270 too. It will work.

Try the scale 2 Image DPI 270. Mostly this should work.

Hope it helps

Hi @sruthi_I ,

Error Handling: Implement robust error-handling mechanisms in your workflow to manage cases where OCR fails. This may involve retrying OCR with different settings or providing manual verification steps.
Character Whitelisting/Blacklisting: Use character whitelisting or blacklisting to guide OCR recognition. Try the scale 2 Image DPI 270. This can be especially helpful when dealing with specific characters that are prone to errors.


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