I use Data Extraction scope and Form Extractor activities, but I get an error.
Does Data Extraction scope require to have Orchestrator?
I do not have one.
if not, please help solve this error.
I referenced this video:
I use Data Extraction scope and Form Extractor activities, but I get an error.
Does Data Extraction scope require to have Orchestrator?
I do not have one.
if not, please help solve this error.
I referenced this video:
you didnt configure your form extractor
did you click configure extractors and apply “form extractor” to your document types?
Hi @yesterday
In Create new Template window try using UI Path Document Ocr under Ocr Engine and try again.
Hi Thank you for your reply.
I applied form extractor, and clicked Save.
I cannot create a template in From Extractor. I get an message: “There was an error processing document”.
How do i solve this issue?
My PDF file has 18 pages and over 5300 KB, so I split the file into files having 2 pages.
But I still got the same error. Why
if you see There was an error processing document” it might be an issue with the pdf, is the pdf in english?
can you try to just upload a 1 page pdf?
I tried selecting 1 page pdf and clicking Configure, but get the same error.
@yesterday For DU, the orchestrator need to be connected to the studio. May I know If you are not using Orchestrator from where you are getting that API Key
I tried it, but get the same error.
I do not use Orchestrator. I got the API key logging in to cloud.uipath.com.
My license is Stand alone.
I tried Read PDF activity if the PDF file can be readable, but got the same error.
I think the PDF file has some issue, but not sure what issue.
Does anyone know any workaround?
Hi @yesterday
Please try downgrading the Document Understanding Package and please try again.
@yesterday What is the version of Uipath.IntelligentOCR.Activities that you are using. Can you update the version and check once
@yesterday Please update the package and once you do that try to enable Force Apply OCR
I don’t see this option in your screenshot that is why that asked you to update the package
All the related packages are up to date.
I could solved the issue.
The pdf was protected, and it prevented from reading.
Unprotect the file and I was able to create a template.
Thank you so much for all your help!!
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