Function(r) Convert.ToInt32(r(“Status”).ToString) = 0 Or Convert.ToInt32(r(“Status”).ToString) >= 3
Result : No DataRow in source. /소스에 DataRow가 없습니다.
Is there a solution?
Function(r) Convert.ToInt32(r(“Status”).ToString) = 0 Or Convert.ToInt32(r(“Status”).ToString) >= 3
Result : No DataRow in source. /소스에 DataRow가 없습니다.
Is there a solution?
This probably means you don’t have any data in your DT that satisfy the conditions you’ve specified in the Where condition. Kindly check your Excel file.
Can you try as the following?
arrDr = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) Convert.ToInt32(r("Status").ToString) = 0 Or Convert.ToInt32(r("Status").ToString) >= 3).ToArray
Then check arrDr.Any
note: arrDr is DataRow array type
statusValue As String = r(“Status”).ToString().Trim()
numericValue As Integer
If Integer.TryParse(statusValue, numericValue) Then
Return numericValue = 0 Or numericValue >= 3
Return False
End If
End Function
if condition
dt1.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(x) Cint(x(“Status”).ToString)=0 Or Cint(x(“Status”).ToString) >= 3)
then part use assign
dt1.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(x) Cint(x(“Status”).ToString)=0 Or CInt(x(“Status”).ToString)>=3).CopyToDataTable
else part i.e, when there are no rows with your requirement you can add amessage stating no data or whatever the steps required to be followed if no data exists matching to your requirement
thank you ^^~
Thank you for your kindness.
Thank you for your kindness.
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