Error : Assign: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

This is workflow and i amg getting this error in sequence activity


This is error occurred in assign activity

Hi @Vrushali_Gave,

The value of TransactionItems is nothing that’s why the issue is occurring, can you cross check whether there are any queues available for process

yes sir there is a queue available with transaction items

Hi @Vrushali_Gave,

Before assigning the Value to the company_name.

  1. Please Verify if transactionItems is not not null or empty .this can be verified with below expression

Transactionvariable is Nothing

If Not null / empty Then

  1. Can you please use a writeline and print the content you are assigning - and verify if we are getting the correct values or not .


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Sir this is workflow

Sir, it shows No Transaction Data

Sir what I need to do to solve this error???

hello, can anybody explain to me why this error occurring? This error is not solved by me yet