I want to empty the values present in the drop down of UiPath Form. I’ve created a UiPath Form using Form Designer and I want to empty the values of a drop down.
I can disable the dropdown using edit form property but unable to clear the values. Please help asap.
I’ll explain the scenario in detail, Say I’ve created a Ui Path form from Form Designer as follows,
Dropdown 1 → Food → 1. Fruit 2. Veggies
Dropdown 2 → Place → 1.Home 2.Shop
If we select Fruit, then place will show us the dropdown values as 1.Home and 2. Shop - Users can select either one or both.
If we select Veggies, then place will be disabled - Users cannot choose any value.
If the user by mistake selects Veggies from Food, the options in Place → Home and Shop are disabled but I want to empty the value to null.