Empty the values present in the drop down of UiPath Form

Hi All,

I want to empty the values present in the drop down of UiPath Form. I’ve created a UiPath Form using Form Designer and I want to empty the values of a drop down.
I can disable the dropdown using edit form property but unable to clear the values. Please help asap.



What do you mean empty it?

Give a empty dropdown?

Or after doing some activity on form clear it?


Say, we have values in drop down which has to be cleared out.


give the default as blank


I’ll explain the scenario in detail, Say I’ve created a Ui Path form from Form Designer as follows,

Dropdown 1 → Food → 1. Fruit 2. Veggies
Dropdown 2 → Place → 1.Home 2.Shop

If we select Fruit, then place will show us the dropdown values as 1.Home and 2. Shop - Users can select either one or both.
If we select Veggies, then place will be disabled - Users cannot choose any value.

If the user by mistake selects Veggies from Food, the options in Place → Home and Shop are disabled but I want to empty the value to null.

I hope I’m not confusing you. Please help.


This is not in create form task right? Not for action center but for a local form?

If yes then use form triggers to control the values based on the selection made and update the dropdown values


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Thanks for the support!!

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