Email ID validation

Hello All,
How to validate the email id without email validation activtiy.

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We can use get outlook mail activity by filtering the email id with its FILTER property in the property panel with condition like this
“ [ReceivedFrom] = ‘’ “
“ [From] = ‘Kabeer’ “(Username)

We can get the list of mailmessages from any other mail activity
And in for each loop pass the mailmessage list variable as input and change the type argument as and inside the loop use a if condition like this
If true it will go to THEN part of if condition

We need to access mail activities to get the mail first and then only we can validate them unless we have the mail I’d list in separate with us

Hope this would help you
Cheers @Kabeer

Thanks a lot palaniyappan. But i need to validate the given email id is valid or invalid.
E.g abcj invalid)

It should contain .,@ after . 3 characters

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then we can use a simple if conditin like this

Hope this would help you
Cheers @Kabeer

@Kabeer You can alternatively use the .contains function to find if the character “@” exists in the value of email ID.
if emailidvalue.contains(“@”)
writeline(“email ID is valid”)
writeline(“email ID is invalid”)

This may also help:

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