Email forward with 2 criterias (respect subject string and those unread)

Good morning friends,
Please , i would like to have suggestion to overcome this problem:

I have a robot that and the end of its code it will receive an email in my email account. This email has a subject that contains string “prd”.

I want an activity to make my robot to acces my email account and then it has to check if last email contains subject “prd” .

If yes, then i will mark this email as read and it will forward this email to 3 differents email accounts from my email account.

Notice that the email has a pdf attachment an i want the three email account to receive the attachment too.

I built this code (picture bellow) but it is not working as desired.

I would like to know how to write an statement in A to filter not only for email having string"prd" but also incorporate those ones unread…

Thanks for helping


what was the issue you are facing.

can you check count of ListEmails

thanks for helping.
sometimes the robot forward an email without the attachments , sometimes does not send any email … but the email that is supposed to be sent is in the inbox…or sometimes it sends an email from previous days…

forgot to mention that my robot runs every morning… and every day has to send its reports