Dynamically copy pasting from Excel to Web and Web to Excel

I am using UiPath StudioX:
Trying to Copy Data from A excel sheet, Search on Website (Click on Desired/Searched Result only) and Right click on it and copy the URL (Internet Explorer).

I am new to using UiPath Please pardon i am trying my best to explain below:

Following are Steps and Activities being used:
Activities Explanation
1 - Use Excel File:- To Identify the excel file where the data will be pulled for searching on a weblink
2 - For Each Excel Row:- Specified a Range (Sheet!A:A - Has Headers) where the data will be copied
3 - Click:- On Website
4 - Keyboard Shortcuts:- Crtl+F
5 - Type into Edit (Find Field):- Type from the above Specified Excel Row
6 - Click Submit/Next: Click on Search Field to find the text
Here is the Tricking Part
7 - Click: I need to Right-click on the “Searched” Result ONLY which i found above Not another.
8 - Click:- Then after Right Click copy shortcut in Browser
9 - Write Cell:- (What to Write:- from Clipboard) - (Where to Write:- Sheet1!B2 (With Auto Increment Selected))