Dynamic selector - Select text of a particular color


I have a requirement to click text of a particular color(black or grey). Attached
the selector I tried for clicking grey text

But its not working.

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Not sure whether color attribute is present already or you manually added.

Kindly confirm.

Also, please show us both the selectors for black and grey elements.


Color attribute I added manually after inspecting the web page.

Below image for black element

This image for grey element

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We need to add an attribute which helps us add color

Could you please show that inspect screenshot please…

Also the Ui-Explorer - Attributes panel and property explorer panel.

This will help suggest a solution as the color attribute may be a direct color or a class or may be an inline style.




Check for the other reliable attributes in the Uiexplorer for making this selector also are you working on modern design or the classic one?


Below is the inspect screenshot, from which I used ‘color’ attribute

Below is the property explorer screenshot

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So looks like class attribute will help.

Also can you show for other color also the same way please…


Inspect screenshot for grey element

Property explorer screenshot for the same

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Will check @Shikhar_Tandon


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So it’s the class attribute.

Please add the class attribute in the selector you can copy the value from property explorer.

Hope this helps


Thanks @Nithinkrishna

But could you explain a little bit more about how class attribute helps with selecting color. Because class attribute value “react-calendar__tile react-calendar__month-view__days__day” remains the same for both colors. Then how can it distinguish?

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No as you can see in inspect element the class changed for both the elements…

That’s what concluded here…


Thanks @Nithinkrishna . Sorry I didn’t notice that. This helped a lot.

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Cool. Thanks. Enjoy it.
