DU Framework - How to skip classify

I use DU Framework 23.10 and my project doesnt have a classification. How can I skip it in the project? Should I hardcode the ClassificationResults array? I yes then how?



try to look below thread

Hi @Slavich

Try this:
First, remove the Classify Document activity from your workflow. Then, create a variable named ClassificationResults of type List. After that, assign an empty list to ClassificationResults using this code: ClassificationResults = New List(Of ClassificationResult)(). Finally, continue with the rest of your workflow, such as data extraction, without needing the classification step.

Or you can also take the help from below link:

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Thank you, @prashant1603765 .
I did what you mentioned, but the flow doesnt go for extraction as it need at least any classification to be in the list. Do u know how to put there hardcoded value?
Smth like this: New List(Of ClassificationResult) From (… )

Hi @Slavich
Try below:

Create the ClassificationResults variable of type List
then assign:
ClassificationResults = New List(Of ClassificationResult)() From {New ClassificationResult With {.DocumentType = “Invoice”, .Confidence = 1.0}}

As per my knowledge, If you don’t want to perform any validation after data retrieval, you can skip the human validation step by removing the Document Classification validation activity. This will might be allow the process to continue without any validation required.

If you found helpful, mark as a solution. Thanks

The solution involves using DocumentTypeId in the data extraction scope activity instead of ClassificationResults, which can be omitted along with the classification scope activity. The DocumentTypeId can be set up in the taxonomy, where it is named ‘Document Type Code.’ In this case, version 1.0.6 of Document Understanding is used.

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