Download UiPath Process Mining build file

How or where do i go to download file? The documentation refers to this file but does not provide any information on where to download the file.

Step 1 Upload and activate the UiPath Process Mining build.

If the build used by the release is not yet available on the UiPath Process Mining installation, the build must be uploaded in the Builds tab.

Follow these steps to upload and activate the build.

Step Action
1 Go to the Builds tab of the Superadmin page of your UiPath Process Mining installation.
2 Click on the menu icon in the top-left and select Upload build… .
3 Drag the build file you downloaded, for example **** , onto the Upload File dialog or browse for it on your computer and click on OK .
4 Right click on the build that is uploaded and select Activate build .


welcome to uipath forum,

I believe Process mining is directed towards enterprise users. more details here:

cheers @Variya_Swapnesh

Hi, here you can download the file:

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