Download latest document(version) from a list of documents

Hi experts,

How do I click and download the latest version (v2.0) from the list of same documents in sharepoint directory? User will always upload a new version of the same document.

Hi @sophiey

Use For Each File in Folder in the filter option Last updated Date newest First.


Hi @sophiey

Check the below thread.


Let me rephrase my question - i have to look for documents with keywords “IT Assets Inventory” in the directory. then with that list of documents, i need to compare all of them and only download the latest one with latest version number.

Hi @sophiey

What is the extension of the files that are present in the directory?


it would be xlsx only

Hi @sophiey

Maybe try using the For Each File in Folder activity as @Parvathy mentioned earlier. Add the phrase that you are looking for “IT Assets Inventory” to the filter and sort it by the CreatedDateTime in descending order. If I am correct, that would return all the files that match the filter with the latest file that you should download at the top. With that you can then use one of the download file activities to download the file.

Here is a link to where you can read more on the filter function for the For Each File in Folder activity: Activities - For Each File in Folder

Hope this helps.