Double quotes error in query SQL

I am trying to execute a query from UiPath which has double quotes as (easy example):
SELECT KPI.“div_centro”

UiPath read double quotes and changes to double double quotes as ““div_centro””

We have tried replacing double double quotes to double quotes, we have tried replacing them with regex, inserting variable as KPI.“{0}” and then String.Format(str_query,“div_centro”) but every time, UiPath change double quotes to double double quotes


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Does your column name contain double quotes?if not what is the purpose of those?

did you try escaping double quote with \


Hi @Anil_G ,

No need to mention quotes for a column name.

Simply run below.

SELECT KPI.div_centro



It is mandatory to call the column in quotes otherwise ORACLE returns an error, it is because of a CASE SENSITIVE issue in that particular table.

The same error occurs with \


This is just to make it read as all small…so you can use the exact case you need instead of double quotes and that should suffice I believe


Did you find any solution for this issue ?