Document Understanding PDF

Hello Forum,

I’m currently on my way on learning Document Understanding Practices.

Today I’m Practicing with some documents I have, but I’m not getting the results I’ll like on the Classifications results…
DOC_Practica.pdf (8.8 MB)

This is the file i’m using, and as you can see if you download the file there’s two types of documents: two W-9 type of Document and one Invoice type of document.

I’ve already configured the Keyword Classifier with both types o documents and their key words. The thing is the I’m only recieving a result for one page of the document as you can see in the next image.

It seems that the most High Definition pages are the ones that doesn’t recognize. Not even the keywords I wrote on the keyword based activity.

I checked the text and Object Model variables and everything looks fine. Also tried a differrent OCR Engine and still get similar results.

Please let me know if you know what i’m doing wrong, any advice always comes usefull.

Thank you and Regards.

Hi @Luis_Fernando,
In your scenario, Try to use intelligent Keyword classifier as the document has both W-9 type and invoice. This will help you to split the document and classify accordingly.
Hope this helps

Thank you,