Document Understanding for multiple PDF in one multiple pdf


I have a scenario where I have multiple document in one document . For example, 5 invoices in one combine pdf.

Is there any suggested way to handle this scenario?
Should I use dictionary ? Or how should I handle it in parallel for each

Hi @weipingtong128

When dealing with multiple documents within a single file, such as multiple invoices in one combined PDF, there are a few ways to handle this scenario in UiPath:

  1. Split the combined PDF into individual PDFs: UiPath has activities that allow you to split a PDF file into individual pages or documents. You could use this activity to split the combined PDF into individual PDF files, each containing a single invoice.
  2. Use OCR or PDF scraping to extract the data: If splitting the PDF is not an option or if you need to extract specific data from each invoice, you could use OCR or PDF scraping to extract the required data from each page of the combined PDF.
  3. Use a loop to process each invoice: If you need to perform the same actions on each invoice, you could use a loop to process each page of the combined PDF as a separate invoice. You could use the “For Each” loop in UiPath to iterate through each page of the combined PDF, and process each page as a separate invoice.
  4. Use a data structure to store the data: If you need to store the extracted data from each invoice, you could use a data structure such as a dictionary or an array to store the data for each invoice. You could then process the data for each invoice in parallel using parallel processing techniques in UiPath.

In general, the approach you choose will depend on the specific requirements of your scenario. You should choose the approach that best fits your needs and allows you to efficiently extract and process the required data.


Hi @weipingtong128 ,

Could you maybe try using the Intelligent Keyword Classifier activity ?