Hi everyone one I’m new to RPA so learning new things… I have seen the videos but not getting exact output
Can any one explain or give me exact solution
How can we get the confidences of score of each fields in Document Understanding
Hi everyone one I’m new to RPA so learning new things… I have seen the videos but not getting exact output
Can any one explain or give me exact solution
How can we get the confidences of score of each fields in Document Understanding
you need the Confidence and OCR Confidence from each filed ?
HI @Sagar_Sukla
if you need the confidence scores in DU you can try this expression to get the exact output
strExtractionResults=“Data Extraction Scope” activtiy output
dt_ConfidencScore = strExtractionResults.AsDataSet(true,true).Tables(0).DefaultView.ToTable
OutPut: it will get both confidence and ocr confidence score
I have tried this one get the ouput as exactly can i get you contact number if are you ok
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