Hi Guys
Can you please help me to understand dispose method in invoke method activity
Please see here: Implement a Dispose method | Microsoft Learn
@Aleem_Khan Can you give me details what you want to do?
Dispose is basically used to freeup memory…
In case of mail as well used in simialr fashion to free up the variable memory of the mail
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I want to know in which situation I can use this mathod can you tell some important use case where I can use this method with example
- ou can use the “Invoke Method” activity to perform operations on Excel files, like reading data from a specific range, writing data to cells, or saving the workbook.
Manipulating Strings:
- The “Invoke Method” activity can be used to perform string operations such as combining strings, splitting strings into parts, or extracting specific portions from a string.
Date and Time Manipulation:
- With the “Invoke Method” activity, you can manipulate dates and times by adding or subtracting days, retrieving the current date and time, or formatting dates in specific ways.
File Operations:
- The “Invoke Method” activity is helpful for file-related tasks such as creating, deleting, or renaming files. For example, you can use it to create a new file, delete an existing file, or change the name of a file.
Custom Class Methods:
- If you have custom classes or objects in your automation, you can utilize the “Invoke Method” activity to call methods defined within those classes or objects. This allows you to extend the functionality of your automation by incorporating your custom logic.
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