Digital PDF Signature - Get the Date PDF was signed

I’m trying to extract the date a pdf was digitally signed. The bottom of the pdf contains

"Digitally Signed by XXXXX
Location: xxxxx@XXX.XXX

I need the created variable to equal “MM/DD/YYYY” of the signed pdf.
The date is also found within the signature properties

Thank you!

Good morning UiPath Forum, this question has alot of value. Thanks @magoosball. Does anyone have any information on how this is done? I am copying UiPath on this to see if ideas were ever submitted for PDF activities on this @loginerror. This function would be outstanding and if this has been solved by anyone please reply! Big thanks.

@magoosball @jamiejam - You try Regex to extract the dates…after you convert the pdf to txt using Read PDF Text activity.

Thanks @prasath17 for the fast response. In this case I want to pull the underlying date on the digital signature in the PDF rather than any of the date values associated with the PDF file (created / modified / etc). Syncfusion has a PDF library with features to retrieve the digital information but there wasn’t a UiPath package I could find with activities that use it.

Hi @jamiejam … We can try locate that date specifically under the signature using other relative text, for ex: in the above case it should be the on after the words “Digitally Signed” …) . So if this pattern is consistent across all the form then we can easily fetch that info using Regex…

Update: here is the sample workflow and output

PDF: sample05.pdf (213.0 KB) Converted Text File: PDF_Txt.txt (10.2 KB)

Regex Used:

I will work that today and holler back @prasath17. Big thanks. I’ll mark this resolved as well. Thanks very much for that extra effort there.

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