[DevSecOps] From GitHub Issue to Merging a Pull Request

About the [DevSecOps] series of tutorials

This series of tutorials will focus on Development, Security and Operations regarding GIT Versioning Systems.
It will cover areas such as:

  • GIT integration
  • Branches & Pull Requests
  • CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery)
    And much more…

Introduction to this tutorial

This guide will show you how to go from:

  1. A GitHub Issue (bug request)
  2. Creating a branch from this issue
  3. Working on fixing the bug in UiPath Studio (on the branch)
  4. Committing changes to GitHub linked to the issue
  5. Creating a Pull Request in GitHub to review the changes
  6. Merging the changes into the production code and finalizing the issue process

The primary purpose of this tutorial is to show the synergy between the end user (bug reporter) and developer through the bug fixing process.

Creating the issue in GitHub and branching from this

  • A user with access to your repository has the ability to create a new issue by pressing the New Issue button from the Issues pane

  • A description of the issue/bug should be filled out and perhaps addition of attachment(s) for visual documentation

  • The developer now has the option to create a new branch directly from this issue

  • Pay attention to the new Branch name and then press Create branch

Switching to the new branch in UiPath Studio

  • Inside UiPath Studio you should now Refresh remote branches by clicking in the bottom right corner

  • Select the new branch from the list of available ones (name from before), and remember to press Pull (rebase) afterwards, to pull your branch from the remote repository to your local repository

Committing the changes to GitHub with the Issue Key as reference

  • After making changes you need to Commit them to GitHub by clicking on the pencil in the bottom right corner
  • Now type the Issue Key (for GitHub you need to add the # sign before)
    • For this specific issue/branch the Issue Key is #1
    • After the Issue Key you should give a short description of what has changed

  • When reviewing the branch/issue in GitHub, you should now be able to see the changes linked to the issue. This enables transparency both for the end user (bug reporter) and developer, and ensures synergy throughout the development process.

Creating a Pull Request in GitHub and Merging the code

  • The next step is to import/merge your changes from the new branch into the main (production) branch, to effectuate the changes
  • First off click the button Compare & pull request from the branch overview

  • You are now able to review the changes made in the branch before clicking the button Create pull request

  • Fill out a description of what has been made with this branch, or perhaps use GitHub CoPilot to generate a text, by clicking the icon in the top bar (if you have the required license)

  • Now a reviewer (perhaps yourself) should be able to go through your pull request, and if all is fine, he or she could chose to Merge pull request

  • Consider deleting the branch afterwards, as its use has now come to an end

Review changes in Issue

  • By linking the Issue Key in commits, the user (bug reporter) has the ability to view the changes from start to end of the development process

Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback for this tutorial.

Best Regards