Device ID already exists.Unable to activate Community Edition

Installer(.exe or .msi): .exe

License type(Free, Trial/License code): Free

Studio/Robot version: 2109.1.0

Current behavior: Device ID already exists.Unable to activate Community Edition.

Screenshot: !image

Can someone please help me in resolving this. This is the first time I have installed community edition and still facing device id already exists error and it is not allowing me to activate.

It is very urgent. Request to help asap.

Hi @Varuni

Have you tried these

If none of the above works then you should contact the support team here


Hi Prankur,

Thank you for the quick response. I have already tried the workarounds specified in the links shared. None of it worked. Unable to find direct email to raise the concern too for community edition. Can you please share if any specific email to be addressed to.


I do not think there is any direct email, the one I shared would work


The one you shared is not allowing me to submit the form for community edition. Can you please tell me the process to do so.


Hi @Varuni

Getting your Community Edition Studio license from Orchestrator is by far the quickest way to solve this issue. Could you let us know what errors are you getting?