Delete specific columns by name in a linq

Hello Everyone
I am here cause i would like to delete a specifics columns in a DataTable with a linq .
So far i found this linq in the forum but doesnt work
Yourdatatablename = Yourdatatablename.DefaultView.ToTable(False,”columnname1”, “columnname2”, “columnname3”).copytodatatable()


Hi @Fabio_Villamil

Give this syntax. This should solve your error.

Yourdatatablename = Yourdatatablename.DefaultView.ToTable(False,"columnname1", "columnname2", "columnname3")

Yourdatatablename DataType → System.Data.DataTable()


The issue of sintax was solved but the problem is that the linq is bringme only that columns and that i need its deleted that 3 columns not only keep that 3 Columns

it is a method and not a LINQ where the more adequate syntax is about:
Yourdatatablename =

Yourdatatablename.DefaultView.ToTable(False,{"columnname1", "columnname2", "columnname3"})

But we keep in mind that it removes all other columns

just share with us the input and expected output sample

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Hi @Fabio_Villamil

The above syntax indicates that
YourDataTable is your DataTable variable.
False indicates that you don’t want distinct rows; you just want to remove columns.
"columnname1", "columnname2", and "columnname3" are the names of the columns you want to keep in the resulting DataTable.

Try this way instead:

ColumnNamestoRemove = {"ColumnName1","ColumnName2","ColumnName3"}
ColumnNamestoRemove is of DataType Array(System.String)

For Each currentText in ColumnNamestoRemove
      Remove Data Column Activity
         -> Column Name -> currentText
         -> From Data Table -> yourdatatablevariable
End For Each


Thank you so much for your explanation, i know how to do it with that activities its just like i would like to do it only in an assign activity but if is the only way, i will do

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