Delete multiple rows through linq with some condition

Hello All,

I want to delete rows using LINQ on the based of 3 column(id,name,task) as you can see in in screen shot. If ID and name is same and task is the the combination of Primary Authorization Required or secondary Authorization Required or tertiary Authorization Required with Payer Guideline Review then these row must be deleted. As i have marked blur color in the screen shot those rows is to be deleted. Please help me to find the solution.

DemoData.xlsx (8.6 KB)


ID column contains digit and Name column contains characters
How will they be same?

We can use FIlter Data Table activity which will return expected row and columns.
Please follow below screenshot and select Remove(in red circle)

the scenario is i need to check if there is multiple same id is there then i need to check those id has same name in the Name column then i need to check the task column for the combination and the combination is “Primary Authorization Required or secondary Authorization Required or tertiary Authorization Required” in any row that has same id and Name then check in the again task column for “Payer Guideline Review” in any row with the same id and Name then all rows must be deleted which conatain “Primary Authorization Required or secondary Authorization Required or tertiary Authorization Required” and “Payer Guideline Review” with same Id and Name. could you please help me on these.

If use filter data table activity then we can not check all rows which have same id and name at same time. it will process row by row.