Hi Team
how to delete 10 day old data in excel Like In excel I have date column , My requirement is that bot will read excel and read last input date data in excel and calculate the privious last 10 day date and search that day in excel and delete that date data row in excel
Can u share sample input file here.
Date.xlsx (9.6 KB)
This is my Sample file Like last date is 11 march now I have to delete data lastdate(-10) data rwo like 1 march data from excel
Hi @Kuldeep_Pandey ,
Could you check with the below Expression :
DT = DT.AsEnumerable.OrderBy(Function(x)CDate(x("Your Date Column").ToString)).Take(DT.Rows.Count-10).CopyToDatatable
Here, DT
is the data read from Excel sheet as Datatable.
Write this Modified datatable to a new sheet and check if it is providing the right result.
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Not working
Its not deleting any data row
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Please try like this
dt = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) Cdate(x("Posting Date"))>Now.AddDays(-10)).CopyToDataTable
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