Delete content of columns without deleting header

How to Delete content of columns without deleting header in excel

Hello @ranjani

Below article might help you


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Hi @ranjani

Do you want to delete the entire row after deleting its contents? or do you only want to remove the content and keep the row?

If you want to delete the row, you can use the Delete range as specified by @Ajju. If you want to delete the content and keep the row, then you might need to use a set of loops to clear out the content.

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If you want to delete all the records without deleting the columnheader
Clear datatable activity where pass the input as datatable and once this is done we will have the datatable only with headers

For more info on this

Cheers @ranjani

Thanks a lot

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No worries
Cheers @ranjani

i want to retain a cell value and delete the rest in all rows

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