Hi, I am trying to use the assign activity but I am getting the following error:
Days of week ambiguous uipath error imported from System, Microsoft Graph.
Any advice on how can I fix this?
Share your expression here to check?
Try to use System.IO before your expression
Hi @Anived_Mishra
Screen.docx (138.5 KB)
is this the error you are getting?
if it is then, this Case give a try and use the full qualified Name. System.io.directory.getfile…
I was getting this error in a different project but I used System.Io and it was fixed. However it is not working for Day of week ambuiguity.
Hi Gokul, yes I tried that. It was successful in getting files from directory however its not working for this one.
Hi @Anived_Mishra screenshot please
give a try on using the full qualified name: System.DayOfWeek
For your calculation you can also use 1 representing Monday:
is this your desired output?
Hey, this was fixed. Thank You.
Hi @Anived_Mishra may i know how the issue resolved?
How did you solve the issue? Thanks
Hi @Roshini_meera,
You can add System before DayofWeek so it won’t give the error anymore.
System.DayOfWeek + your code
Hope this helps.