I need to check whether the end date in datatable is present or not without using for loop condition
Hi @sruthesanju ,
Can you pls provide us the sample or attach screenshot of Input Data and expected Output.
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Hi @sruthesanju
Can you provide us input and expected output. We can help you with condition.
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Please provide the input and output
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Probably you are looking for this.
Replace dt
with your DataTable
variable & StartDate
with your end date's present in DataTable Column Name
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bascially we use this expression which gives output as boolean
dt.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(a) datetime.ParseExact(a("ColumnName").ToString,"dd/MM/yyyy",system.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Equals(cdate(inputstr)))
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What is the dtmToCheck
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it is your input value to check