Date format error please help

I am reading the “Date” key from config file and pasting it" type into" activity- config(“Date”).to string but instated 31/01/2024 it is typing 12453 .
how should i convert it like 31/01/2024
my config file showing Date in this format-31-01-2024

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Hi @Hemant_Deshmukh,

Thanks for reaching out UiPath Community.

Can you try Convert.ToDate(Config(“Date”)).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy)

Hope this works for you.

Happy Automation,

Hi @Hemant_Deshmukh

Can you try this

DateTime.ParseExact(config("Date").ToString(), "dd-MM-yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")


it’s showing following error

Source: Type Into ‘27/01/2024’

Message: String ‘45322’ was not recognized as a valid DateTime.

Exception Type: System.FormatException

Hi @Hemant_Deshmukh

Could you please share the screenshot of the config file and what is the flow you are doing so that I can help you out.




Do not change the format in the config file. Keep the format in General only. Then it will work for you. You can give the below syntax directly in Type Into activity:


Hope you understand!!

no it still not working…now i change format to general as you said its showing like this and same in type into column activity.

Hi @Hemant_Deshmukh

Can you delete that entire row at type the same in next row.

From the above screenshot you can see that it’s accepting the date format.

After that in Type Into you can give below syntax to convert it to dd/MM/yyyy

DateTime.ParseExact(config("Date").ToString(), "dd-MM-yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")


number looks like an OADate Double


We do see more often OAdate doubles within DataTables after an Excel read in when the Workbook Read Range is used.

We can prepare by e.g.

  • formatting the cell types in Advace before read range

But as we dont have a guarantee that not OADate, DateTime, or String is present within the resulting DataTable we would setup some defensive handling when we want to advance to a solid handling


Source: Type Into ‘27/01/2024’

Message: String ‘01/31/2024 00:00:00’ was not recognized as a valid DateTime.

Exception Type: System.FormatException

Hi @Hemant_Deshmukh

Try the below syntax:

DateTime.ParseExact(Config("Date").ToString(), "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")

Hope it helps!!

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its working…Thank you so much bhai… :grinning:

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It’s my pleasure… @Hemant_Deshmukh

Happy Automation!!

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