From this i had separated the date 18jul2019 using function
dmy.Split({" “},StringSplitOptions.None)(1)+dmy.Split({” “},StringSplitOptions.None)(2)+dmy.Split({” "},StringSplitOptions.None)(3)
to remove the time 101401 i dont know how to split if i use the above function with index 4,5,6 then it gives an excess array exception
Can any one help me.
HI @soumi_soumiya,
You want 101401?
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You can use the substring function for getting the only required part of the string.
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Use substring method to extract required part
Or if you want split text…you can use spilt method with space delimiter
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hi @soumi_soumiya
If you want 101401 from your string value then try this… (10.8 KB)
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