I want to filter my data table according to values of my excel and I want to write all result to another Excel.Thank you.Sequence10 - Copy (2).xaml (14.0 KB)
I want to filter my data table according to values of my excel and I want to write all result to another Excel.Thank you.Sequence10 - Copy (2).xaml (14.0 KB)
Okay, so your request is to write for each filter new Excel?
You are on good path, you just need Dynamical Output then, to save new Excel file for each filter pattern
Yes. For example, for first row of excel, data table will give me an output and I want to write it another Excel. For second row of excel, data table will give me an another output and I want also to write it another Excel. I want to make it for all rows of Excel.
How can I do? Thank you.
Well you can make some kind of Counter, initialize it on 1, and increment it in each loop with Counter += 1.
In Write Range activity make Output + Counter.ToString, that way you will get different Excel file for every next filter