Data Getting reset on UiPath Apps which clicking on Show button in Custom List

Hi All,

I’m trying to create below scenario using UiPath Apps:

  1. Click StartProcess
  2. As soon as i click , a process runs in background and fetches data from application and stores in a datatable.
  3. The data then gets displayed in UiPath apps.

The catch here is some of the column data are displayed in a tabular format and some column data (where data is large) are displayed in Custom list .
After the process ran, when I click on “Button” to see the data, the table data gets removed.

Hi, could it be a problem of scope for your datatable ?

Thanks @olivier.garcin for your response…

The Datatable is a input/output argument from process

@Ravindra_Choudhary ,

where are you clicking ? Are you writing any rules on button click?


Hi @Arvind_Kumar1 , I’m clicking on “Button” (below header)
Yes , a rule is there. On clicking on “Button” a new page opens and value assigned to it gets displayed

Hi @Arvind_Kumar1 ,

This happens when I Click on “Button”
A pop up appears (New page with Label and Value), but the values in table gets deleted

@Ravindra_Choudhary ,

As Per shared image you are doing wrong. Please transfer the set value only from the selected Table/list. Do not set the value from data source direct. If you set from data source object like Process output or DS then this will return Null so you need to Set value from selected list object.

Hope this will help.


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Thanks @Arvind_Kumar1 This works for me

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