Creating invoices from an Excel-sheet

Dear developers,

I am in the process of creating an automation which fills in values from within the same Excel workbook, from one sheet to the other.

So far I have managed to join all the required data into 1 Excel sheet. This sheet contains different customer information, such as customer number, name, address, postalcode etc.

My goal is to create an invoice based on the customer info for each row I have gathered. This invoice has a fixed format and has specific cells for each customer information field.

So my customer data is on Sheet1 containing;
Column 1. Customer Number
Column 2. Customer Name
Column 3. Customer Address
This sheet is filled with 20 rows for example, all filtered and formatted in the correct manner.

On Sheet2 I have an invoice templace which needs to be filled with the customer info, each info field fixed on a cell.

So the template has the following fields;

  • customer number is located at cell M4
  • customer name is located at cell D13
  • Customer address is located at cell D14

I would like to achieve this with modern activities for Excel. My idea was to create the following flowchart;

  1. Excel Process Scope
  2. Use Excel File
  3. Read Range (Sheet1 containing customer data)
  4. For Each Row
  5. Write Cell (Sheet2 invoice template > since cells are fixed)

I am not experienced enough to fill in the gaps in the flowchart above.

Can anyone help with my issue? Thanks in advance. Screenshots below.



Update; I (somehow) have managed to succeed in creating a flowchart for my issue above.

  1. Excel Process Scope
  2. Use Excel File
  3. Read Range (Sheet1 containing customer data)
    Store into new DataTable
  4. For Each Row
  • Use new DataTable
  • Item set to CurrentRow
  1. Write Cell (Sheet2 invoice template > since cells are fixed)
    What to write
  • CurrentRow(“Column Name”)
    Where to write
  • Excel.Sheet(“Sheet1”).Cell(“M4”)