I’m trying the ¿new? UiPath.MicrosoftTeams.Activities.Office365TeamsApplicationScopeV2 (for God’s sake, ¿can you simplify/rationalize the naming of your activities/packages? It’s a nightmare to identify the proper ones amongst the maremagnum of packages with different/old/new/v2/v1/“classic”/“modem”/overlapping functionality/similar ones/deprecated/deleted/obsoleted/experimental/preview etc. versions) because I was suggested to try it by a third-party support company, even if it’s still in “preview” versions.
Well, when trying to authenticate via InteractiveToken, then use the “Create Team” activity, I always get this error:
"Create Team: Only loopback redirect uri is supported, but urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob was found. Configure http://localhost or http://localhost:port both during app registration and when you create the PublicClientApplication object. See https://aka.ms/msal-net-os-browser for details"
I’ve set up everything I’ve been able to think of in my Azure settings, plus explicitly setting the “redirect URI” to localhost. Whatever referenes I get when Googling for this error don’t help and are not related to UiPath, so I think this might be a bug with the activity itself.
Apart from “http://localhost”, I also added “urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob was found” as a redirect, as per this documentation page: