Create String from JSON Array Elements

Hello there.
Want to create a String from JSON Array Elements as in the picture below.

Can you please support . THx in advance.

Hi @pibo

First Assign a string varible with value “”

Then after this use For each activitiy to loop through the json array

Then to the string varible assign like this

String varible = string varible+", "+ item(“name”). ToString

Hello Pibo,
In this video I do a lot of stuff with JSON (Chapter included) :

0:45 Install Deserialize JSON
1:10 Present all types of JSON that will use
1:35 Deserialize simple JSON
2:50 Deserialize a JSON with an Object inside
3:55 Deserialize a JSON with Array inside
6:00 When we use Deserialize JSON Array activity
7:00 Deserialize a JSON with a List of Strings inside
9:45 Create a simple JSON
11:05 Create a JSON with an Object inside
12:17 Create a JSON with Array inside
14:05 Create a JSON with a List of Strings inside
15:55 Datatable to JSON
17:50 JSON to Datatable

Cristian Negulescu