Hi. I am very new to UiPath. I am trying to solve a problem and I am halfway there. In directory “C:\Users\krda\OneDrive - Modum kommune\Faggruppe VA\Rørinspeksjoner\UiPath test” I have two subfolders. Inside these subfolders there are some pdf files and some mp4 files. I want to create folders for every mp4 file inside each subfolder. The name of these created folders need to be the same as mp4 filename. Also inside these two subfolders I need to create an Excel workbook. This workbook wil be the same for each subfolder.
I am able to do this one subfolder at a time thanks to this post
How to create a folder for each file and move the files into that folder? - Help / Studio - UiPath Community Forum
But I am not able to apply this method using the “For each folder in folder” activity. A pointer in the right direction will be appreciated.