Count rows in Excel

Hi, I would like the robot to give me the number of rows in excel without the header.
What I am doing:

  1. read range (activity from excel), write to the variable “test”
  2. set variable value test=test.rows.count - but shows error “Value of type integer cannot be converted to datatable.
    How can I solve this? :slight_smile:


You are assigning integer type of data to a datatable variable.

Declare an integer type of variable and then assign


Thank You, but the robot instead of the number of rows shows me the name of the sheet in message box :frowning:


Can you please show how you are using the activities for this. Looks like something got configured incorrectly.

Thank You :slight_smile:

Hi, Change the log message variable to ‘test2’ instead of ‘test’

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Use test2 variable in message box

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