Could you help to unzip file zip and than merge the files excel into one?

Hi everyone,
I am not able to unzip a zip folder and then to do the merge of the excel files that are inside the zip file.
The path of the folder where the zip file is ,is saved in an input parameter
I am attaching the example of the folder with the excel files inside
could you help me please?
file (37.1 KB)

Thank you

You can install UiPathTeam.DotNetZip.Activities for zip/unzip from Manage Packages on Studio.
スクリーンショット 2020-09-14 120914

Use Unzip activity from installed package to extract zip folder.
About merging, you can use Merge Data Table activity after reading Excel data.

Altenatively, you can use UiPathTeam.ArchiveLib.Activity for zip/unzip which is also available from Manage Packages on Studio.

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