Copy Sheet from One Excel to Another

Hi Everyone,

Need a help in copying sheet from one excel file to another. The excel file is large thus Copy sheet activity is not working best and Excel macro is too not giving results.

Any recommendations?
@supermanPunch - can you help with some interop code to copy one sheet to another workbook?
@ppr @nikhil.girish @ashwin.ashok @Srini84 @Gokul001 @Dave @Nithinkrishna can you guys help?


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Actually excel activity will work on this
Try upgrading your excel package and give a try

Go to design tab β†’ manage packages β†’ all packages β†’ upgrade excel activity and give a try


We can use the custom activity from UiPath marketplace

Refer this thread for details

Cheers @Shikhar_Tandon

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Try this as a first option and then go for custom component


Hi @Palaniyappan,

Thanks for this!! But I cannot use outside packages and on the upgrading excel part it is already to latest, actually the excel file is very large thus the excel application scope is itself taking more than expected time to go inside body therefore copy sheet is not executing. I am thinking if I am able to copy sheet to another file then that would make work directly more efficient.


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Let’s try upgrading the package and give a try


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Tried not working


  1. If copy sheet is not working than you can use read range activity to read the data from one excel and can use write range activity to write the same datatable to the other excel file.

  2. If you are unable to read the file using the default activity like read range, you can go with the alternative to use the Excel As Database to read and write, from and to the excel.

Hi @Shikhar_Tandon ,

Try Checking the Below Workflow :
Excel_CopySheet_ToAnotherExcel.xaml (7.6 KB)

It does take time for a Sheet containing Large Data.


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