Copy Range: Failed setting the current sheet to: FormulaSheet in workbook:"Path". Original error message: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401A8",

I got the below error after upgrading the excel package version from 2.5.3 to 2.9.5, I kept Copy Range activity in a loop, while looping it will work for 2 or 3 loops for the 4th loop it will throw the below exception. Can any one help me on this issue,
Copy Range: Failed setting the current sheet to: FormulaSheet in workbook: C:\Users\BCP\Documents\Gouse\Process 1\Share\Output\2021\Feb\105540\JE_TH_1_23-03-2021 10.55.xlsx. Original error message: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401A8",


Can you please share the screenshot whats the exact error.

I have replaced the copy range activity now, I’m getting same error for write cell activity,

Can you please share screenshot of your activity…
Also can you please let me know if you are copy pasting the data in same workbook…?


I’m using the same sheet to write the data and also its working fine for 2 to 3 loops, later it is throwing error, the issue I’m facing because of upgrading the Excel Activity package to 2.9.5, previously it was working fine with the excel version 2.5.3
Error Screenshot,

Activity Screen Shoot,

@Mohammad_Gouse thanks for sharing…

Two options you can check…

  1. Use different workbooks for copy and paste for now and check result if its working…

  2. Remove the current activity of excel application scope…refresh uipath and use activity again…


I have checked by replacing the activity and also with new excel file, still unable to resolve issue, I get this issue after replacing the new excel file,


Can you please copy data from one file and paste data to other file…
Also the sheet names should not be similar…
also use 2 seconds delay after copy range activity…
Please give it a try…

new excel package seems to have problem while copying data into sameworkbook…

Not Worked

@Mohammad_Gouse Uncheck the “Visible” option in the Properties section of Excel App Scope.

Thanks for ur feedback, Its already unchecked @Shahrukh_Shaikh1