Copy Excel Sheet to Clipboard

Hi @Aditya_Bhalerao,

In this case you have to use the Copy ToClipboard. Download load the latest package in below link and configure it . It has the feature that the cell range is “”(blank) , It will take the used range.(I have uploaded it in the UiPath Go. Waiting for the publish.)

Thank you

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I am trying the same thing but in vain.
Can you please make a little workflow showcasing how to copy the excel sheet to clipboard and pasting it to Notepad.

It will be really helpful.

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I did this, but shows error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object).

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Hi @Aditya_Bhalerao,

In the below thread I have attached a copy paste sample for you.


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Thanks you @balupad14 and @Palaniyappan.

Cheers !!!


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