Hello I am a beginner so I want to know how to convert date format from 24/12/2018 to 12/24/2018
How to Interchange date and month
very simple way is to get substring divide the day month and year Day=String.substring(0,2), Month=String.substring(3,2) and year=String.substring(6,4).
and you can assign to the final date as Month+“/”+Day+“/”+year
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also you can use assign
DateTime.ParseExact(“28/08/2012”, “dd/MM/yyyy”, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
.ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy”, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
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Hello @ankitg01 have a look at this…
Please search the forum before posting the question.
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thank you…
sorry sir…i am new here…was not able to find solution…thanks
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chill happy uipathing