Convert text file to Excel

Hi All,

Can any one help me?.

How to convert text file to excel file.

Indra Vijay

Hello @IndraVijay,

You can refer to this post for the solution

Thank you Akshay

@IndraVijay Hopefully that solves your query, if so please like or mark the above reply as the solution.


Try with Generate Datatable activity and use Write Range activity

Refer below for write Range and Build Datatable activities reference

Hope this helps


not yet resolved, I try that code, that is one column data are coming in one row.

What does the text file look like? Any separators?

the file like this

[Batch Name] [Date] [Time] [ID::Times] [Status] [Test] [Pr=[Data]]

N10105300039 6/8/2020 2:05:21 PM 000001::01 Finish PASSED::01 OK=[:1111111,0606115,30003,50,1111111060611530003,50,11111110060611530003,:1111111,0606115,35002,50,1111111160611535002,50,01111111060611535002,:1111111,0606115,40002,50,1111111060611540002,50,01111111060611540002,:1111111,0606115,45001,50,1111111160611545001,50,11111111060611545001,]
N10105300039 6/8/2020 2:05:22 PM 000002::01 Finish PASSED::02 OK=[:2222222,0606115,30011,50,2222222060611530011,50,22222220060611530011,:2222222,0606115,35010,50,2222222060611535010,50,22222220060611535010,:2222222,0606115,40010,50,2222222060611540010,50,02222222060611540010,:2222222,0606115,45019,50,2222222060611545019,50,02222222060611545019,]

can you help to convert in excel file and match the duplicate record.

What should the output look like?

The output like

test.xlsx (10.9 KB)

the data are separate with " : "