I need to convert dates in the following String format: “1/8/2020” into date time variable
Then i also want to know how I can increment the date
Then How do I convert it back to a string in the following format: d/mm/yyyy
Please let me know
I need to convert dates in the following String format: “1/8/2020” into date time variable
Then i also want to know how I can increment the date
Then How do I convert it back to a string in the following format: d/mm/yyyy
Please let me know
String to DateTime:
Date.ParseExact(yourStringVar, “d/MM/yyyy”,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
ensure System.Globalization namespace is imported
Increment Date
(e.g. Add 1 day, other AddXX Functions are available as well
DateTime to String:
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