Convert Json Data into Excel

Hello All,

I am trying to extract data from the JSON log file into an excel file, I don’t have hardcoded columns names, Based on the JSON file automatically it needs to create column names.

I have attached the sample input and output file, Any help on this!

logfile.txt (817 Bytes)

Output format:

Time stamp Log level Message level logType ……… ………
13:33:19.8609 Info mySQLdb execution started Information Default ……… ………
13:45:41.4843 Error Aggravated Assault With A Deadly Weapon Information ……… ………

Kindly try using the activity showed below after installing packages shown in the screenshot below:

The data table hence created can be pasted into an excel file using write range activity.

Hi @shetanshudhar,

I have tried the same packages, But I am unable to get the datatable. Facing the below issue.

Data table from JSON: Unexpected character encountered while parsing number: :. Path ‘’, line 1, position 2.

Hi @yogavalli, your json file is actually a text file. Please save it with .json extension.
make log.txt as log.json