Convert Excel to Dictionary

Hello guys
I am very happy to announce to my first component has been published and you can see it
I request you to give your valuable feedback and review.



@sandeep13 that’s really cool man. Congrats.

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thanks, man @venkatmalla6

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Congratulations, @sandeep13! :partying_face:

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Thanks @Mara_Pitiga

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Hi, When attempting to use this add on I receive an error message stating that “Excel to dictionary: only .xls or .xlsx file allow”. I have tried using files formatted as both file types and still receive the same error message.

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I checked . its working fine…
Could you download latest package from Connect?
send me Workflow so I go through it

and one more think, file path must have .xls or .xlsx extension
like c:/Book1.xlsx

Hi @sandeep13

i want create a dictionary of excel header as key and corresponding as values

plz help

want to add name, age, city, country to key and gaffar, 27,mumbai,india as values

any help will be deeply appreciated

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Hi @gaffar_shaikh
Dictionary data type contain only key , value pair,we can create dictionary like all header as key.
You need type of Excel for Create dictionary

I am not sure about your Task but I suggested you should used Read Excel activity to read Excel and store data in Data table , then use it further in the process
