Convert Date in Datatable

Hi Guys,

I’m reading a datatable and the date format which I’m getting is “dd/MM/yyyy”.
I wanna convert it to “MM/yyyy”

Through Linq or Select Query. because we are dealing with millions of row, can have the liberty to use for each row

Please help

HI @Dmitri00007

Try this expression



Alternative Method @Dmitri00007


dd.MM.yyyy → your Input String Date Format


I wanna convert the date in datatable. the output should be in datatable not string.

Thanks for you effort, Please help

options for updating the column value you will have are presented here:
How to Update Data Column Values of a Data Table | Community Blog

Hi @Dmitri00007

Try this below expression

dt.AsEnumerable().ToList().ForEach(Sub(row) row(“DatefffZ”)=DateTime.ParseExact(Inputstring/ColumnName,“dd.MM.yyyy”,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(“MM/yyyy”))

Have a look on the thread



You need to declare the Input string


Hi @Dmitri00007 ,

Assuming that this datatable of yours consists of only a single column:

First clone the datatable like so:
Assign →

dt_result = dt_sampleData.Clone()

Assign →

(From row In dt_sampleData.AsEnumerable()
Let dte = DateTime.ParseExact(row("ColumnWithDate").ToString.Trim,"dd/MM/yyyy",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("MM/yyyy")
Let ra = New Object(){dte}
Select dt_result.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable()

Is this what you were looking for?

Kind Regards
Ashwin A.K

Assign: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.

this is the error, its reflecting

Hi @Dmitri00007 ,

Would be so kind as to share a sample dataset so that we may be in a better position to assist you?
Dummy data is fine.

Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K

sample (2).xlsx (54.7 KB)

Date format is dd/MM/yyyy

Expectation - Feb-2022 or Mar-2022

Please help

do stepwise debugging / get paused by breakpoint
use immediate panel and type in: YourDataTableVarName.Rows(0)(ColNameOrIndex)
inspect what is stored within the datatable

Visually referring to Excel is not a guarantee that it is also present in the same format within the datatable

Hi @Dmitri00007 ,

Is this what you were looking for?


Assign →

str_dateFormat = "MMM-yyyy"
(From row In dt_sampleData.AsEnumerable()
Let dte = DateTime.FromOADate(Convert.ToDouble(row("Date").ToString.Trim)).ToString(str_dateFormat)
Let ra = row.ItemArray.Skip(1).Prepend(dte).ToArray()
Select dt_result.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable()

ConvertDate.xaml (6.7 KB)

Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K