Configuring Authentication for Built-in Users on Elasticsearch and Kibana

How does one configure authentication for built-in users in Elasticsearch and Kibana?

Issue Description:
Please refer to Elastic’s documentation for information specific to your version on configuring built-in users.

Starting version 6.x, Elasticsearch comes with a basic license that includes user authentication for free. Previously, this was a part of a paid x-pack license.

This guide shows how to enable basic authentication on Elasticsearch version 6.x +.

Note: The scope of support for Elasticsearch from UiPath is limited to basic installation and integration only. Maintenance / x-pack should be handled in-house. If a legacy x-pack was purchased through UiPath, then support can be a communication bridge between ES support and customer


  1. Enable security on elaticsearch.yml:
Open elasticsearch.yml from the server on which it is installed and set to "true"
  1. Setup passwords:
  • Open the command prompt as admin and navigate to "bin" folder present in the installation directory of Elasticsearch. Run the following command:
elasticsearch-setup-passwords.bat interactive
Note: After the password is set for the elastic user, the bootstrap password is no longer valid; elasticsearch-setup-passwords command cannot be run a second time. All passwords are managed from the Kibana interface going forward.
  • Select "Y" when prompted and press enter.
  1. Enter credentials for all the components:
Follow the steps and enter credentials for all the components.
  1. Add passwords on all target applications
Add created passwords on all applications. The below image shows the password entered for Kibana in the kibana.yml file
  1. Restart the Elasticsearch and kibana services
  1. Login to Kibana interface and the password will now be prompted:
Once logged in, the passwords, users and roles can be managed directly from the Kibana interface: