Concatenate two data tables based on Conditions and write the data in third data table


I have Two datatables dt1 and dt2

structure Of Dt1
Id Name age
001 abc 30
002 pqr 31
003 xyz 32

structure Of Dt2
Id City Country
001 New York US
002 New Delhi IND
004 Sydney AUS

Output data table Structure

Id Name age City Country
001 abc 30 New York US
002 pqr 31 New Delhi IND

I want to merge the data tables into one datatable.


Use Join DataTable activity to do this.

We can use JOIN DATATABLE activity with inner join option chosen
—mention the first datatable in Datatable1 and second datatable in Datatable2 fields

Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @Abhishek14

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Sample WF FYR.

join datatable.xaml (9.3 KB)